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September 8, 2022 Entertainment

Difference between English Willow Cricket Bat and Kashmir Willow Cricket Bat

Quite a few young cricket players brought the bats to the selection. The inappropriate bat could be the wrong size, weight, or even made of the bad willow. These variables have the ability to have a significant impact on a player’s overall performance.

English Willow Cricket Bat and Kashmir Willow Cricket Bat

First, let’s talk about the many types and varieties of willow (wood). The Kashmir and English willow cricket bat are the two species of willow most typically used to produce cricket bats. Willow is an essential component of a cricket bat. It provides the bats with strength as well as compression. However, the performance of these two varieties of willow differs in several important respects. To begin, willow native to England is known as English Willow, whereas willow native to Kashmir, India, is known as Kashmir Willow.

The English willow cricket bats and the willow bats of Kashmir are two entirely distinct species. Willow from England is white, but willow from Kashmir is brownish. The Kashmir Willow bats are much less expensive to acquire as a result of their greater weight in comparison to the English Willow bats. However, Kashmir willow cricket bats do not provide the same value to juvenile cricketers since they do not have the same ‘pingy’ sound as English willow bats.


Difference between Kashmir willow & English willow

  • General Considerations

Both types of willow come from the same tree, which is called Salix alba. This tree can be found on every single continent on the planet. However, the physical characteristics of this tree will change depending on the environment in which it is grown. This is because of variations in physical elements such as rainfall, climate change, nutrient levels in the soil, and moisture levels.

England and Kashmir are considered ideal locations for cultivating Salix alba. They have an excellent rebound quality and a low moisture content, which contribute to their solidity and durability. Because of this, they are a perfect choice for use against leather cricket bats. Now let’s look at the distinctions between the two categories and how those variances influence the selection process for the cricket community all around the world.

  • Durability

Because both types of willow originate from the same tree, there is not much difference in the durability of a Kashmir Willow bat against an English willow cricket bat. There is a very close correlation between the two varieties of willows. The English Willow, on the other hand, is more fragile.

  • Colour

The colour of the two different kinds of wood is the primary distinction between them. The difference in weight between the English willow cricket bat and the Kashmiri willow causes the English willow bat to have a more brilliant glow than its Kashmiri counterpart.

  • Grain texture

One further noticeable distinction between the two types of willow is that the grains in the English willow are more prominent and stick out from the background. When discussing bats, grains are referred to as the thin brown or black lines that may be observed on the bat’s surface. Despite this, it is inaccurate to say that Kashmir willows are of lower quality than English willows. 

A poor-grade English willow does not contain the same grains as a good-quality Kashmir willow cricket bat, which are more prominent and apparent in the high-quality Kashmir willow. Therefore, when selecting a willow, one of the most significant elements to consider is the grain texture; thus, I urge any young person thinking about investing in a professional willow to keep this in mind. 

  • Weighing and orientation

Another distinguishing characteristic between the two is the make-up of the bat’s weight and the way it is held in hand. Willows native to Kashmir are often heavier than their cousins native to England. One of the critical reasons for this is that Kashmir willows have a more significant density and a higher moisture content, which causes them to be heavier.

However, high-quality Kashmir bats have a balance that is so excellent that neither the speed of the bat nor the sound it makes when it is hit won’t be changed. Regarding the orientation, the fibre orientations of Kashmir willow cricket bats have a modest horizontal orientation, while the fibre orientations of English willows have a vertical direction. Therefore, the grains have a somewhat more prominent appearance than in a Kashmir willow because they have been oriented in this way. 

  • Longevity

Compared to the Kashmir willow, the English willow is the best type that is more prone to breaking. Compared to the English willow, the lifespan of the Kashmir willow might be up to five years longer when it is given the correct care.

  • Price

There is only one point that truly matters in all of this! The price of a Kashmir willow bat is quite a bit higher than the price of an English willow bat. To make the best choice, you must consider your skill level as a cricket player, your age, and the amount of money you can spend. 

Which one should you choose to purchase? 

The cost of high-quality willows from Cricket Mega Mart is lower than the cost of high-quality willows from England. The price of English willow is much more than that of Kashmir willow of the same grade. Additionally, the ping and the bat speed are reduced, resulting in increased bat flexibility. If one were starting in the willow industry, they would be better off using a high-quality Kashmiri willow than English willow. 

When selecting a Kashmir bat of good quality with Cricket Mega Mart, the consideration of the elements discussed above is necessary for it to be suitable for use in professional cricket. As time passes, it is in your best interest to upgrade to an English willow of a higher quality.

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